January 2025

Love Me (2024) DVDRipDVD9.10Bit Downl𝚘ad Full M𝚘vie Tibi

28/11 In a story that spans billions of years, a buoy and a satellite meet online long after humanity's extinction. As they learn what life was like on Earth, they discover themselves and what it means to be alive and in love. In this groundbreaking first feature from directors Sam and Andy Zuchero, Love Me explores contemporary topics surrounding technology and identity, though at its heart is a...

Un buen chico indio 2024 Ac3.x265 Vudu

34/39 A Nice Indian Boy 2024: Un viaje cultural de amor y aceptación En la conmovedora película "A Nice Indian Boy", los espectadores se embarcan en un viaje que combina maravillosamente la tradición con la modernidad. La historia gira en torno a Naveen, quien presenta a su prometido, Jay, a su familia india tradicional. Esta película no solo aborda los desafíos de la aceptación, sino que...

Eternal You 2025 H264.HDTV GalaxyRG265

40/44 Eternal You 2025: The Future of Digital Immortality In a world of rapidly evolving technology, the concept of eternity has taken on a new form. The 2025 film "Eternal You" delves into the intersection of artificial intelligence and the human desire for immortality. Startups are now using AI to create sophisticated avatars, allowing individuals to communicate with their deceased loved ones. This...

Harry Potter und das Feuer 2005 Der Kelch H264.1080p NFX

45/49 Entdecken Sie die Magie von „Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch“ „Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch“ erschien 2005 und ist der vierte Film der legendären Harry-Potter-Reihe. Der Film nimmt die Zuschauer mit auf eine aufregende Reise voller Magie, Freundschaft und Abenteuer, während Harry die Herausforderungen des Trimagischen Turniers meistert. Mit seiner fesselnden Handlung und den...

Girls Town WEB.1080p Magnet Download FLUX

50/39 Mid-1990s, New York City. Patti, Angela, Emma and Nikki are high school seniors and best friends preparing for life beyond graduation. Their dreams for the future differ greatly -- Angela wants to become a poet, Emma and Nikki have are heading for college, and Patti is a young mother looking for stability in her kid's life -- but the four are bright, young women are steadfastly loyal to each...

Meanwhile on Earth 2024 HDRip720p.DDP Crackle

12/25 Elsa (Megan Northam), along with her family, is struggling following the disappearance of her brother Franck, an astronaut who vanished during his first mission. While stargazing one night, Elsa is shocked to receive contact from Franck, but her joy is short-lived when she learns of the dark and troubling forces behind Franck’s reappeara… Harry Potter...

Harry Potter and Stone the Sorcerer’s 2001 HC.DDP PSA

27/50 An adaptation of the first of J.K. Rowling's immensely popular novels about Harry Potter, a boy whose life is transformed on his eleventh birthday when he learns that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and possesses unique magical powers of his own. NIVEAU NIVEAU DUAL NOUVEL...

Vermiglio 2024 MULTI.HDRip720p NFX

23/44 Vermiglio 2024 : un voyage cinématographique à travers les Alpes Alors que la neige commence à fondre et que les premières fleurs du printemps émergent, les images époustouflantes de « Vermiglio » capturent l'essence de la beauté de la nature d'une manière qui résonne profondément auprès du public. Ce film visionnaire, réalisé par Maura Delpero, a fait des vagues dans le circuit...

La perspectiva alienígena 2025 MULTI.BRRip Torrent GalaxyRG265

36/46 The Alien Perspective 2025: Deep Dive into the UFO Phenomenon The Alien Perspective 2025 es un documental innovador que explora el fenómeno OVNI desde múltiples ángulos, combinando perspectivas de organizaciones de renombre como la NASA y el CNES, así como de instituciones académicas estimadas como Oxford. Esta película ofrece una exploración única del tema, con relatos convincentes de...

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