36/33 StoryFour brothers find a loving refuge in the most unlikely place during an unexpected turn of events. This endearing comedy-drama takes inspiration from real events and skillfully creates an engaging story that unites...
36/33 StoryFour brothers find a loving refuge in the most unlikely place during an unexpected turn of events. This endearing comedy-drama takes inspiration from real events and skillfully creates an engaging story that unites...
44/46 StoryA young man takes his girlfriend to his rural Oregon hometown to meet his family, but things go horribly wrong upon...
11/33 Bogart: Life Comes in Flashes is a documentary which explores the remarkable life and career of Hollywood legend Humphrey Bogart. For the first time ever, narrated in Bogart's own words and using previously unseen archives, letters, and interviews from those closest to him, the film definitively explores the impact of one of the most influential cinematic and cultural icons of all...
19/46 StoryThe Peabody Award-winning and critically acclaimed series tells the story of Sam, a real Kansas woman on the surface who, deep down, is trying her best to fit the mold of her hometown and its expectations. Struggling with loss and acceptance, Sam finds saving grace in singing. This leads her to a journey to discover herself and the community of outsiders who don’t fit in, but don’t give...
28/13 Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition (v1.0.1436.28 + MULTi13) – Red.Dead.Redemption.2.Build.1436.28-EMPRESS+Mr_Goldberg:14 ISO Games Vers.40.40.1436.28 + MULTi13. : - Interface Language: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish - Spain, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish - Latin America, Traditional Chinese - Audio: English - Language changes...
43/46 StoryKraven the Hunter is the action-packed, R-rated standalone story that chronicles the creation of one of Marvel's most iconic villains. Aaron Taylor-Johnson stars as Kraven, a man whose complex relationship with his ruthless father, gangster Nikolai Kravinoff (Russell Crowe), leads him on a quest for revenge with brutal consequences and motivates him to become not only the world's greatest...
35/38 StoryAfter a top-secret experiment goes wrong, a super-intelligent invisible raptor escapes from the lab and starts wreaking havoc in the neighborhood. When the creature's identity is revealed, it soon becomes clear that the disgraced paleontologist—along with his ex-girlfriend, a deranged amusement park security guard, and a local celebrity chicken breeder—is the town's only hope for...
31/28 StoryAfter the sudden and tragic loss of his daughter following an exorcism, a renowned heart surgeon refuses to face the reality that his child is dead, despite the statements of medical experts and even the priest who performed the exorcism. But as the funeral rites begin, mourners begin to observe disturbing changes in the girl's body, leading the priest to wonder if something more sinister...
48/36 StoryElf's world is turned upside down when he discovers the existence of a technologically advanced gang of Elfkin, who stand in stark contrast to Elf's own clan's unparalleled pursuit of fun and thrills. Can Helvi's friendship with Boo, the youngest member of the gang, reconcile the two Elfkin clans after more than 250 years? Based on the film "The Elfkins - Ba... Read...
44/23 StoryWhen a sick chicken arrives at Martin's animal shelter during the holidays, his family's holiday plans are...